Life Plan Information

The NCMS Plan offers a range of Life Plan options to best fit the needs of a practice. The NCMS Plan partners with USAble, who acts as the plan’s provider which means leveraging USAble’s systems and tools to administer our benefits.

Life Plan Offerings

Group Life Coverage

Single Flat Option

Dual Flat Option

Salaried Option


$15,000 & $25,000

1x Salary


$15,000 & $30,000

2x Salary


$25,000 & $50,000

3x Salary


$30,000 & $50,000

Guaranteed issue up to $150,000 Maximum of $250,000


$30,000 & $75,000

 Guaranteed issue up to $50,000

$50,000 & $75,000

Requires 3 employees to enroll in each benefit level

Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Coverage is included. Employee only is eligible for AD&D benefits and features.

Loss of Life:
100% of the Accidental Death

Specified Loss:
25% to 100% according to Group Certificate Schedule

Total Loss of Use:
25% to 100% according to Group Certificate Schedule

Group AD&D Features:

Coma Benefit: 5% per month for 11 months, benefit paid as a result of a covered accident 
Exposure & Disappearance Benefit: Benefit payable after 1 year of accidental disappearance
Repatriation Benefit: 10% up to $5,000
Safety Equipment Benefit: Seat Belt/Airbag/Helmet: Additional benefit of 10% of covered person’s AD&D benefit not exceeding $10,000

Evidence of Insurability (EOI) Forms are required for employees if:

Dependent Life Coverage

Option 1

Option 2

Spouse: $5,000
Children (6 months to 26 years): $2,500
Children (14 days to 6 months): $250

Spouse: $10,000
Children (6 months to 26 years): $5,000
Children (14 days to 6 months): $500

NCMS Eligibility Requirements


Employer must contribute 100% of employee cost, dependent life options are offered on a contributing basis (employee paid or cost share with employer).


100% of eligible employees must enroll.


Group elects.


Group elects.


Group elects.


Group elects if employer offers Retiree Coverage and maintains participation in the NCMS Plan.

The member does not need to be enrolled in Medical to receive Life Insurance coverage.
Group Administrator retains the most recent beneficiary information on each covered individual.
USAble will reach out to the Group for this information in the case of a claim.

Life Terminology



Single Flat Option

One specified amount of coverage for all employees.

Dual Flat Option

Two specified amounts of coverage, employee elects one from amounts offered.

Salaried Option

Coverage is determined by salary (excludes overtime, bonus or extra pay).

Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)

Insurance benefits due to a covered accident, where covered person suffers a loss of life, specified loss or total loss of use - only employee s eligible for this coverage.

Specified & Total Loss

Loss of hand, foot, limb, sight, speech or hearing - paid according to a dismemberment schedule.

Coverage Reduction

Amount of coverage is reduced by a percentage at a certain age.


Person or entity chosen to receive the insurance benefit at your death in accordance with the certificate's beneficiary provisions.


Document describing the covered persons benefits and rights under the policy.

Covered Person

Eligible Employee or the Employee's dependents whose coverage becomes and remains effective under all the conditions and provisions of the policy.

Covered Accident

Accident occuring while policy is in force resulting in death or injury (subject to exclusions & limitations of policy).

Evidence of Insurability

Statement of health and medical history, used to determine approval for coverage or increase in coverage.

Guaranteed Issue

Maximum amount of insurance available under the policy without an Evidence of Insurability.

Proof of Loss

Written evidence that a covered person has satisfied the conditions and requirements for any benefit described in the certificate. Proof of loss shall establish: 1) Nature and extent of loss or condition, 2) Obligation to pay the claim and 3) Claimant's right to receive payment

Coma Benefit

Benefit paid if, direct result of a covered accident, if: 1) Covered person is injured, 2) Is rendered comatose or in a persistent vegetative state, 3) Occurs within 31 days of the covered accident, 4) Covered person remains comatose beyond the elimination period. Coma means complete and continuous unconsciousness and inability to respond to external or internal stimuli.         

Safety Equipment Benefit

Additional benefit paid if, direct result of a covered accident and if a covered person suffers loss of life while driving or riding in or on a private passenger motor vehicle, if: Seat Belt Benefit 1) Private passenger motor vehicle is equipped with seat belts; and 2) Seat belt was in actual use with all components properly fastened at time of covered accident; and 3) Position and actual use of the seat belt is certified, in writing, in the official report of the covered accident; Air Bag Benefit 1) Private passenger motor vehicle is equipped with and covered person is positioned in a seat protected by the properly functioning, original, factory installed supplemental restraint system: and 2) Supplemental restraint system inflation is certified, in writing, in the official report of the covered accident; Helmet Benefit 1) Covered person is wearing a helmet; and 2) Verification that a helmet was in use at the time of the accident is certified, in writing, in the official report of the covered accident.                                               

Exposure & Disappearance Benefit

Benefit paid if, due to a covered accident, a presumption of death can be made from exposure to the elements 1) Vehicle in which travelings disappears, sinks, is stranded or is wrecked as result of a covered accident; and 2) The body is not found within 1 year of the occurrence of the disappearance.